Help us help our neighbors
Become a Hospice Volunteer
Are you looking for a rewarding experience? Consider becoming a Hospice Volunteer. Hospice volunteers provide much needed comfort to those who are receiving or in need of hospice services. Our volunteers play a vital role in hospice care and are trained to understand the needs of the terminally ill patient. Volunteers also play an active role in providing respite for patient caregivers as the needs of the hospice patient can be great. Our volunteers offer companionship to the patients and understanding to their caregivers.
LHH&H will be offering Hospice Volunteer Training starting September 4, 2024 and continuing each Monday and Wednesday evening from 5:30 p.m.—8 p.m. through September 25. The training is held at Lamoille Home Health & Hospice, 54 Farr Avenue, Morrisville. There is no cost to you and all materials are provided. Please contact Charlene at 802-888-4561 or if interested. Space is limited.
LHH&H’s hospice program serves all of Lamoille County.​​